Blackhawk for Windows 95 1996 November
Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso
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File List
108 lines
8ball_v2.zip 95742 20-05-96 Magic 8-Ball v2.0 - This program knows all
afmw9512.zip 407705 15-05-96 Fund Manager 1.2
alarm.zip 104951 22-03-96 Simple Alarm program
alw202.zip 487040 29-01-96 Astronomy Lab
aniedit.zip 66934 13-08-95 Animated cursor editor
animalic.zip 38708 26-04-96 Animal Icons
anncit.zip 3088834 12-09-96 Announce-It! v1.0 An answering machining message
| creator
assist.exe 1288504 13-09-95 Windows 95 support assistant
business.zip 10021 26-04-96 Business Icons
auditkit.exe 1366115 31-12-95 Express Meter Audit Kit 3.1
cat95.zip 185978 16-11-95 Have a cat follow your cursor
cardkeep.zip 2700955 05-09-96 Card Keep: database for card collecting
cdalarm.zip 1502058 10-02-96 Set CD to play at specified times
clipn20.exe 190994 30-10-95 Clip 'N Save 2.0
convert.zip 97730 04-04-96 A simple and useful unit converter
copland.zip 38372 26-04-96 Copland Icons
curfit10.zip 575447 30-10-95 CurveFit ver 1.0
cm10.zip 1553862 29-06-96 Contact Manager V1.0
corral24.exe 115401 24-06-96 The Cursor Corral v2.4
cycl1395.exe 2884026 03-06-96 Cyclic Manager
daytm95.zip 20390 13-01-96 Daytime Client '95 v1.0
ddex32b3.exe 3556388 15-07-96 An easy to use address book database with
| search capabilities
easyicon.zip 95254 17-09-95 Complete icon editor/manager/extractor
fabicons.zip 78988 06-03-96 256-Color Icons
fcardman.zip 514931 29-01-96 Windows 95 Flash Card Manager
ff01wm.zip 31790 01-02-96 FastFacts Screen Saver
finimp.exe 74861 16-09-95 Business Analysis Tool for Microsfot Excel
| ver 5.0
firesav.zip 12953 04-09-96 FireSaver v1.0: Fire Screen Saver
floppyic.zip 50394 26-04-96 Floppy Icons
flute.zip 707906 20-08-95 Flute scripting language for Win95
folderic.zip 24106 26-04-96 Folder Icons
fortna10.zip 385101 16-09-95 Random "Quote of the day" for Windows 95
frverb32.exe 3385136 12-06-96 French Verbs 1.0 - conjugates over 500 French
| verbs
gt_3x3es.zip 148238 08-03-96 3x3 Eyes Screens
gt_fnfan.zip 126018 08-03-96 Final Fantasy Screens
gt_macpl.zip 104473 08-03-96 Macross Plus Screens
gt_rgvda.zip 189138 08-03-96 RgVeda Screens
gt_smsho.zip 103647 08-03-96 Samurai Showdown Screens
hcl95hlp.exe 132031 13-09-95 Windows 95 Hardware Compatibility List
hdicons.zip 5855 26-04-96 Hard Drive Icons
icatch2.zip 17123 16-07-96 ICatcher Icons v2.0
iconmgr.zip 23934 19-07-96 Desktop Icon Manager v1.0
id_na611.exe 629546 30-01-96 AM/FM Radio Sim. with 14000+ N.Am stns
id_sw611.exe 566997 30-01-96 SW Radio Sim. with main BX scheds
id_wt611.exe 409045 30-01-96 World Time Clock; auto-DST; Synchro; Multimedia
| alarms
in3_95.zip 765938 27-04-96 IN CUBE - Command Corp's latest continuous
| speech recognition system
jstart.exe 90214 29-10-95 JumpSTART-96 - Emulate MS Natural keyboard
logo95.zip 135362 28-09-95 Change the Windows 95 logo
logoman.zip 226154 19-07-96 Start Up and Shutdown logo manager
logopak1.zip 136994 30-10-95 Logopack for changing startup & shutdown
| screens
lswap01.zip 42650 06-04-96 Windows 95 Startup Logo Swapper v0.1
mbtlogo.zip 92047 19-01-96 Windows 95 Startup/Shutdown Screens
miscic.zip 36488 26-04-96 Miscellanious Icons
monitor.zip 4672 26-04-96 Monitor Icons
moonphas.zip 13601 13-08-95 Shows current phase of the moon in the tray
muangl10.exe 384138 16-09-95 Michelangelo Cursor Editor
navtrekd.zip 2699655 29-01-96 NavTrek Marine navigation software
ngmd40.zip 795722 30-10-95 NutriGenie Dietitian ver 4.0
ngpn41.zip 773650 30-10-95 Nutrition guide for pregnant women
njwin10.zip 1020594 29-01-96 Display Chinese, Japanese, Korean Characters
njwin101.zip 10313 29-01-96 Fixes some bugs in njwin10.zip; need both
nosmoke.zip 78484 10-04-96 A program to help you quit smoking
ntvip.zip 97365 13-08-95 Address / recipe manager
oled40.zip 376543 22-12-95 O'Ledger95: Finacial Ledger
popupcal.zip 177902 09-08-96 Pop Up Calendar
pro9510a.zip 942674 14-12-95 PrimePro '95 Version 1.0 (1/2)
pro9510b.zip 918426 14-12-95 PrimePro '95 Version 1.0 (2/2)
psant26.zip 1193678 29-01-96 PSA Cards 32 bit card database
psm09.zip 237055 04-04-96 Personal Stock Monitor v0.9
psycci31.exe 135377 01-08-96 Psycho-Delic Circles Screen Saver
psych11.zip 311000 13-10-95 Mind-Altering screen savers
qtb.zip 29779 29-01-96 Quote Ticker Bar
recycle.zip 8943 26-04-96 Recycling Bin Icons
remind10.zip 144850 24-06-96 The Reminder v1.0
rkhelp.exe 2287498 27-08-95 Provides detailed technical information on
| Win95
rktools.exe 3909296 03-09-95 Windows 95 Resource Kit, rkhelp included.
ser95b12.zip 439952 11-09-95 Sermon organizer for Win95
sked15.zip 188544 30-10-95 Skedezy 1.5 Schedular
skymap30.zip 1729247 10-01-96 SkyMap 3.0
sldsho42.zip 663718 17-01-96 SlideShow V4.2 is a Windows 95 Screen Saver
specbook.zip 1869389 04-07-96 SpecBook 2.0 - manager of Mass Spectral data
splashes.zip 151985 29-10-95 Holloween startup/shutdown screens
ssfrac32.zip 32478 18-08-96 A 32 bit fractal screen saver
sswin95.zip 378355 13-08-95 Windows 95 screen saver
tempconv.zip 3925 05-03-96 Tempature Conversion Program
thejohn.zip 69279 26-08-95 Rapidly destroy files you "Flush"
toilet.zip 55430 03-06-96 Change your recycle bin
track32.zip 1365033 13-09-95 Hurricane tracking program
tw100.zip 250669 26-02-96 Time Wizard 95 1.0
vermin95.zip 42231 11-09-95 Windows 95 version of "X-Roach"
vocab2.zip 2035622 08-03-96 VocabCheck 2.0
wallpack.zip 5784466 03-06-96 Wallpaper package
wally95.zip 154099 22-12-95 Weird Wally Screen Saver ver 1.2
wineyes.zip 218048 10-11-95 Have your computer look at you
wink_p10.zip 1844832 15-01-96 WinKaraoke Player 1.0
wmlpb55.zip 534506 11-09-95 Little Phonebook
wtrspt12.zip 48286 30-10-95 Water Spots screen saver
wwipeout.zip 1496931 03-01-96 WipeOut ScreenSaver
zlottoul.zip 2933446 22-05-96 ZLotto Ultra! v6.0